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Software Version Update

Automatic Updates

POS will be updated automatically when the following criteria are filled.


Condition, when automatically updated

POS user interface

  • POS user has logged out

  • Time is inside the defined Update Cycle timeframe (04:00 – 12:00 as a default), or the new version has been released 24 hours ago.

Self-Service Kiosk user interface

  • Time is inside the defined Update Cycle timeframe (04:00 – 12:00 as a default).

Custoemr graphic interface

No conditions; will be updated immediately when the software package is available

POS Service

  • POS user has logged out.

  • There are no outstanding orders in the self-service kiosk.

  • Time is inside the defined Update Cycle timeframe (04:00 – 12:00 as a default), or the new version has been released 24 hours ago.

Other services (Kitchen, Fiscal, Data Provider Services)

  • Time is inside the defined Update Cycle timeframe (04:00 – 12:00 as a default), or the new version has been released 24 hours ago.

Manual Updating

Because POS requires that the user has to log out in order for the update to start, an Apply New Version notification is displayed in the place of the POS username when the new software version is available.

Apply New Version notification in POS

Pressing the notification causes the user to be logged out, and

  1. POS Service is updated, if an update is available. During the update the POS cannot be used, and a screen requesting the user to wait for the update to finish is displayed. Typically the update takes 15 – 30 seconds.

  2. POS UI is updated, if an update is available. When the Payment Service has been updated, the POS UI will restart automatically and take the new version into use. Typically this takes 3 seconds.

    POS Service update screen

Service Versions

You can check the versions of the installed services:

  • When logged out from the POS, press the Settings icon in the right-hand bottom corner of the login screen, and then select POS Version.

    Settings icon in the POS login screen

  • When logged in to the POS, press Menu, and then Settings followed by POS Version.

If the installed version of the service is not the newest available one, this is clearly indicated on the list, and the Apply New Version button is displayed.

Workstation status screen

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