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Supermind is an automatic stock replenishment system that can be integrated with Solteq Commerce Cloud using Solteq Connector. Supermind can perform various actions based on information from Solteq Commerce Cloud:

  • assortment management

  • demand forecasting

  • automatic replenishment

  • product lifecycle management

  • reporting

  • master data management

The table below describes the data that will be transferred between Solteq Commerce Cloud and Supermind once the integration is implemented.

Purchase orders approved in Supermind are transferred to Solteq Commerce Cloud approximately every five minutes; other data is transferred once a day.

Transferred data

Transfer direction



Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind

Stock Quantities

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind


Brands / Suppliers

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind

Product Categories

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind

Supermind → Solteq Commerce Cloud

Some product property changes.


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Supermind

Purchase Orders

Supermind → Solteq Commerce Cloud

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