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Zoined is an analytics solution which can be integrated with Solteq Commerce Cloud by using Solteq Connector. Zoined makes it possible to track sales data through a browser-based portal and automated email reports. Solteq Commerce Cloud then generates the previous day's sales and stock transactions and any changes to the data for reporting purposes to the reporting system each night. Purchase budgeting can also be done in Zoined. The views and email reports provided by Zoined can be customised to the needs of the company, user roles and the user.

The following table describes the data transferred between the systems when the integration has been taken into use.

Transferred data

Transfer Direction



Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined

Product Categories

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined

Stock Quantities

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined

Inventory snapshots

Stock Changes

Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined

Inventory changes


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined


Solteq Commerce Cloud → Zoined

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