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Data Providers

Data Providers allow you to integrate your POS’s directly to external data sources such as ERP systems. At the moment Solteq Commerce Cloud supports CD as the data provider.

You can view, manage and add data providers in the Data providers view of the Back Office; click Integration in the Back Office menu and select Data Providers to access the view.

Data providers view


CD is an ERP system for car dealership & after sales business. CD Data Provider integrates Commerce Cloud POS's directly to CD’s XML/SOAP APIs based on the connection string and library values configured for the Data Provider and uses the office value, which is configured for each POS, as a parameter.

With CD Data Provider a POS can:

  • Query orders from CD

  • Query product information from CD

  • Query customer information from CD

  • Notify CD about paid orders.


  1. In the Data providers view, click +Add new to add a new data provider. Fill out the required information and click Save to save your changes.

    Data Provider information

  2. Enable the newly created Data Provider on the needed POS’s:

    1. Navigate to the Configurations view in Back Office and select the correct workstation.

    2. In the Data providers section of Workstation Configurations, select your desired data provider Type from the drop-down menu.

    3. Set Enabled to value Yes and enter Data Provider -specific configurations to the fields.

    4. Click Save to save the changes to the workstation configuration.

    5. Repeat steps a to d for each workstation that needs to be enabled to use the data provider.

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