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Release Notes 09/2022

User Manual Updates

The following new pages (with no change in Solteq Commerce Cloud functionality) have been added to the user manual:

Netvisor Integration

Visma Netvisor is a financial management software service that combines financial management and corporate business processes as a cloud service. With the Netvisor add-on, you can synchronize your accounting information from Solteq Commerce Cloud to Netvisor. For more information, see the Netvisor page.

Rentle Integration

You can now configure Rentle integration from the Back Office’s Integrations view, using the Marketplace window. Rentle is an online reservation/booking system which also has its own self-service and webshop functionalities. The Rentle add-on of Solteq Commerce Cloud makes it possible to forward reservations created in these channels into Commerce Cloud POS, where the payment can be then processed. Cancelling and modifying bookings is also possible (in some cases, actions need to be done manually in Rentle - see here for more information).

For more information, see the Rentle page.

Exporting/Importing Customer Information in Excel Format

Customer information can now be both imported from and exported to the Back Office in Excel format. You can apply various filters in the Customers view in the Back Office before exporting the customer information. For more information, see .

Other Improvements and Fixes

  • POS will now prevent cancelling or parking an order that is partially paid with a gift card. Either delete the payment, or finish the order when the order is partially paid.

  • Receipts generated from the Back Office (e-mail/print copy) will now preserve the order of free text rows from the original receipt

  • Giving discount with discount action is prevented after the order is partially paid. This caused incorrect orders in some cases, as after the discount the total to be paid was negative.

  • Self-service kiosk will no longer show discountId when no receipt text is given for a price rule.

  • Importing a variant product Excel file will now create category options as intended, if they do not yet exist in the Back Office.

  • Open product Description field is now displayed on kitchen and in the receipt generated from Back Office (e-mail/print copy).

  • SKUs are now displayed for variants in variant product view in the Back Office.

  • When an order was originally started on different workstation than the one it was paid on, order events now correctly saves and displays this information.

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