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In the Transactions view you can view the transactions created in a Stock.

To access the view:

  1. Click Stock Handling in the Back Office menu.

  2. Select a Stock from the list. Stock details are displayed.

  3. Click View more in the Stock Transactions section.

Transactions view

The following information about transactions is displayed:

  • Name of the stock item

  • Transaction time

  • Transaction value

  • Transaction quantity

  • In stock (current quantity of the stock item)

  • Reason for the transaction

You can also filter the view based on the following criteria:

  • Sku: Enter the Sku(s) you want to be displayed.

  • Transaction time: Select the time range you want to be displayed.

  • Categories: Select the stock item category types and categories you want to be displayed.

  • Transaction type: Select the stock transaction types (In/Out) you want to be displayed.

  • Reason Code: Select the transaction reason codes you want to be displayed.

Selecting the filters in the Transactions view

When you have selected the filters you want to use, click Apply filters to filter the information.

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