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Transaction Orders

Transaction orders are created in the Stock view of the Back Office. The following types of transaction orders can be created:

  • Stock In

  • Stock Out

If a user has the permission to Modify a certain stock, the user can transfer products from it also to stocks which the user has no permissions to.

Sort and/or Filter the Transaction Orders View

The view contains the following information about the transaction orders made in the Stock

  • Name

  • Comment (if any)

  • Last update

  • Reason for the transfer

  • Status of the transaction:

You can use the criteria above for sorting the information in the Transaction Orders view:

  • The arrow icon next to the column header (A.) indicates that the column is used as the sorting criteria. Click on the arrow icon to sort the information in either ascending or descending order.

  • To select another column header to be used as the sorting criteria, click on the column (B.).

Sorting icon and Sort content by this column pop-up hover text


You can also use sorting in the Products section of an individual transaction order; products can be sorted using Name, Group, Supplier, Purchase price, In stock, Expected quantity, Received quantity and Value as sorting criteria.

Products section in transaction order details

The following filters can be used to filter the information in the Transaction Orders view:

  • Status: Select Pending, Done or Incomplete.

  • Transaction Type: Select the transaction type(s)

  • Transaction time: Select the date range.

  • Reason Code: Select the reason code(s)

Filters menu in Transaction Orders view

When you have selected the filters you want to use, click Apply filters to filter the information.

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