Customer Export/Import Excel Fields
The following table contains the descriptions of the columns in Excel files used in Solteq Commerce Cloud for exporting/importing customer information.
Column name | Type | Description | Mandatory/Optional | If the column is missing | If a value is missing | ||
Existing customer | New customer | Existing customer | New customer | ||||
id | string | ID of the customer in Solteq Commerce Cloud system, seen in the customer details URL in the Back Office. | M | File validation error. | File validation error. | A new customer is created with a new SequenceNumber. | A new customer is created. |
sequenceNumber | number | Sequence number of the customer (Id field in Customers view). | O | The current value is kept. | A new customer is created with a new SequenceNumber. | The current value is kept. | A new customer is created. |
string | Customer’s e-mail address. | O | The current value is kept. | File validation error. | The current value is kept. | Email field will be empty. | |
firstName | string | Customer’s first name. | M (for new customers) | The current value is kept. | Row validation error. | Row validation error. | Row validation error. |
lastName | string | Customer’s last name. | M (for new customers) | The current value is kept. | Row validation error. | Row validation error. | Row validation error. |
gdprRestricted | boolean | If True, the customer will not be displayed in the Customers list view. | O | The current value is kept. | False. | False. | False. |
customNote | string | Custom note information. | O | The current value is kept. | Custom Note field will be empty. | Current Custom Note field contents will be emptied. | Custom Note field will be empty. |
creditAllowed | boolean | Defines whether credit is allowed for the customer. The recommended use is for Invoice type payments, where the Credit customer needed setting can be used to define that invoice payment is possible only for customers with creditAllowed set to True. | O | The current value is kept. | False. | False. | False. |
marketingSms | boolean | Defines whether SMS marketing is allowed for the customer. | O | The current value is kept. | False. | False. | False. |
marketingEmail | boolean | Defines whether E-mail marketing is allowed for the customer. | O | The current value is kept. | False. | False. | False. |
ssn | string | Customer’s Social Security Number. Must be a valid SSN. | O | The current value is kept. | No SSN identifier is added for the customer. | The SSN identifier is removed, if it exists. | No SSN identifier added for the customer. |
customerCard:{index} | string | Customer’s CustomerCard type identifier. | O | If the Excel file does contain at least one CustomerCard, then a new CustomerCard array is created for the customer using the data in the file. Otherwise the current contact array is kept. | CustomerCard array is created from the Excel file data. Empty values are ignored. | CustomerCard array is recreated from the Excel file data. Empty values are ignored. | CustomerCard array is created from the Excel file data. Empty values are ignored. |
externalId | string | Customer’s ExternalID type identifier. Must be unique. | O | The current value is kept. | No ExternalId identifier is added for the customer. | ExternalId identifier is removed, if it exists. | No ExternalId identifier is added for the customer. |
netvisorId | string | Customer’s Netvisor ID. Must be unique. | O | The current value is kept. | No Netvisor ID is added for the customer. | Customer’s Netvisor ID is removed, if it exists. | No Netvisor ID is added for the customer. |
group:{group_external_id} | boolean | Customer group ID. If the ID does not exist in the Back Office, a new group will be added; the group’s name will be the same as group_external_Id. | O | The current value is kept. | Customer is not assigned to the group. | Customer is removed from the group. | Customer is not assigned to the group. |
address:{index}:type | string | Address type of the customer. Allowed values: Invoice/Delivery/Home | O | If the Excel file contains at least one address, a new address array will be created based on the data in the file. Otherwise the current address array is kept. | A new address array is created based on the data from the file. Row validation error, if other property for index address is given (for example: streetAddress). | An address array is recreated based on the data from the file. Row validation error if other property for index address is given (for example: streetAddress). | An address array is created based on the data from the file. Row validation error if other property for index address is given (for example: streetAddress). |
address:{index}:streetAddress1 | string | Street address line 1. | O | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | Row validation error if an address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. | Row validation error if a address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. |
address:{index}:streetAddress2 | string | Street address line 2. | O | No action. | No action. | No action. | No action. |
address:{index}:postalCode | string | Postal code. | O | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | Row validation error if an address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. | Row validation error if an address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. |
address:{index}:city | string | City. | O | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | File validation error if an address:{index}:type column exists for the given index. | Row validation error if an address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. | Row validation error if a address:{index}:type column value is given for the index. |
address:{index}:country | string | Country. | O | No action. | No action. | No action. | No action. |
eInvoiceMode | string | E-invoice option used by the customer. Allowed values: None (Empty)/Broker/Email | O | Keep current value. | Set empty eInvoiceMode option | Remove any existing eInvoiceMode option | Set empty eInvoiceMode option. |
eInvoiceBroker | string | E-invoice broker. | O | No action. | No action. | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Broker | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Broker. |
eInvoiceAddress | string | E-invoice address. | O | No action. | No action. | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Broker. | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Broker. |
einvoiceEmail | string | E-mail address for e-invoice. Validated if a valid e-mail address is given. | O | No action. | No action. | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Email. | Row validation error if eInvoiceMode is Email. |
phoneNumber:{index} | string | Customer’s phone number. | O | If the file does contain at least one phone number, then a new contact array is created based on the data from the file. Otherwise the current contact array is kept. | A contact array is created based on the data from the file. Empty values are ignored. | A contact array is recreated based on the data from the file. Empty values are ignored. | A contact array is created based on the data from the file. Ignore empty values. |