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Exporting and Importing Customer Information with Excel

You can create and update customer information to Solteq Commerce Cloud by using Excel import/export. Exporting/importing is done in the Customers view of the Back Office.

Exporting Customer Information

Any filters that you apply in the Customers view will be applied to Excel imports as well.

To narrow down the list of customers displayed in the view, use Search and/or click Filters and select one or several filters from the drop-down-menu:

  • Customer type: Private or Company.

  • Credit allowed: Yes or No.

  • Updated: Select the time range of the last update to customer information.

  • Group: Select the customer group.

To apply the selected filters, click Apply Filters.

Export the list by clicking the Export icon.

Export customers view.png

Customer export

The downloaded file is always a ZIP file that contains two Excel files: One for private and one for company customers. Each file has its own schema.

Rows in the exported files can be modified, after which the information can be imported back to the system.

Importing Customer Information


To import customer information Excel files to the Back Office, click the Import icon, select the file, and then click Open.

Import Customers view.png

Customer import

The following limitations apply to importing files:

  • The file may contain up to 50 000 rows.

  • The file must be in the valid Excel format (*.xls, *.xlsx).

  • A single file may contain either private or company customers, but not both.

  • Private and Company schema must be preserved.

Invalid rows can be fixed according to the comments, and imported again to the system.

Once the file is imported it is scheduled for processing. This may take up to 10 minutes. When all rows are processed, you will receive an e-mail with the import result. If there were validation errors, in the e-mail will also include a file with the rows that were not imported due to the errors. The e-mail will also contain the reason of rejecting each line.

Import e-mail example

See Customer Export/Import Excel Fields for detailed information about the columns.

Importing private customers' SSN identifiers to the Back Office is possible. However, if they are exported from the Back Office, the Excel file will contain only SSN hash in ssn column; Solteq Commerce Cloud stores SSNs only in such a format, and never as plain text. Delete the SSN hash from the exported customer Excel file before importing same Excel file back to the Back Office; a validation error will occur otherwise.

Generating New CustomerCard Identifiers with Excel Import

You can use the generate() special function to generate new CustomerCard identifiers. When you enter this function in customerCard:{index} Excel column(s) and import the Excel file into the Back Office, the system will create random values for CustomerCard identifiers.

Examples of generate() function in customer Excel

New CustomerCard identifiers created with the generate() function

The generate() function may only be used for

  • new customers you create with the Excel import function, or

  • existing customers who do not yet have other CustomerCard identifiers.

Otherwise, the function will be ignored.

Creating New Customer Groups with Excel Import

You can simultaneously create new customer groups and add customers to them by using Excel import:

  1. Add a new group:{group_external_id} column to the Person Customers.xlsx Excel file, with {group_external_id} as the name of the new group.

    • Note: No group with the same name should exist in Back Office beforehand.

  2. Enter TRUE as the value in the column for all the customers you want to add to the new group.

Creating a new group with the name NEWGROUP & adding members to the group

When you save the file and import to the Back Office, this will create a new group whose Name and ID are the same as group_external_id; the group will contain all the customers who were included in the group in the Excel file.

After the new group has been imported to the Back Office, you can modify the customer group settings if you want to change the name and/or ID.

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