Activate Accounting in the Back Office
The Accounting module is not enabled as a default. If you want to create an Account Scheme and generate an Account Report from the POS sales, you need to activate Accounting first from the Company Configurations, by setting the Accounting in use switch to ON.

Accounting view
Account Scheme
The system will automatically create the default accounts. Keeping these accounts as suspense accounts – where all ambiguous transactions are recorded – is recommended.
Account types:
Sales: All sales including tax, and with discounts deducted are recorded on this account (Sales: Credit, Reimburesements: Debit).
Payments: All payments received are recorded on this account (Sales: Credit, Reimbursements: Debit).
Roundings: All roundings related to cash payments are recorded on this account.
Money In: All payments received which have been made without sales (such as cash float) are recorded on this account.
Money Out: All payments which have been made without sales (such as cash float) are recorded on this account.
The following default accounts are not created automatically, so you need to create them if you want to have separate accounts for discounts and taxes from sales:
Discounts: All discounts will be recorded to this account, if you want them to be separate (Discounts: Debit, Discount Reimbursements: Credit)
Taxes: If a separate taxes account has been defined, the Sales account does not contain taxes, which will be recorded on Taxes account instead.
Accounting Rules
All sales without any particular rules applied will be recorded on a default account. Otherwise accounting will be done according to the following rules. If there are conflicts between the rules, the POS will select the first rule found.
In the rules listed below the one on the bottom is the highest priority one. For example, if a Product rule has been defined for Sales, it will be prioritized above others, and a product will always be recorded on a defined account.
Rule type | Rules |
Sales |
Sales tax |
Discounts |
Roundings | No rules. |
Payments |
Money In/Out | Reason Code |
Accounting Rule Ranks
From highest priority to lowest:
Discount Reason
Tax Rate
Cost Unit
Cost units can be defined company/store/workstation-specifically in Configurations. Defining cost units store/location-specifically is usually sufficient.
Cost units can be viewed under Accounting → Cost Units. It is also possible to define special rules for cost units, if needed. The following rules (in order of priority) are supported:
Sales and Discounts:
Product Category
Payment type
Only one rule can be created for a cost unit; however, you can define multiple Values (and Customer Groups, if applicable) for the rule.

Cost unit rule example
In the Account reports view you can view account report in real-time as well as print it out using a selected date range. You can also search orders for transactions in the Orders view, as well as use the Account filter.
Integrations to Accounting
Automatic daily/monthly transfer of transactions to a separate accounting system can also be done with the Solteq Connector integration tool.
Supported accounting systems include the following, for example:
Business Central (NAV)
Fortnox (Sweden)