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Installing Mobile POS

You must belong to a user group with POS Installer permissions to install Mobile POS.

If there is any existing Mobile POS configuration in the company, you can select it from the list to copy the configuration. If you do not want to copy an existing configuration, press the Create new configuration button that will let the you configure a new one.

If there are no existing Mobile POS configurations in the company, the following view will not be displayed.

Copying an existing configuration

After selecting an existing configuration or creating a new one, you will be redirected to the workstation Configuration view. In this view you can configure the following settings:

  • Store: A store configured in the Store Configurations of the Back Office

  • Workstation name: User-friendly name of workstation that will help to identify it in the Back Office.

    • Will be automatically generated by the system, but you can also modify it, if needed.

  • Terminal Number: A unique number of the workstation

    • Will be automatically generated by the system, but you can also modify it, if needed.

  • Layout: Workstation layout that will be used on the Mobile POS. See Designer for more information.

    • If there is no existing layout, a default one will be generated.

  • Cost Unit: Cost Unit configuration from the Back Office.

Workstation configuration screen

After successfully submitting the form, you will be redirected to the POS layout grid. Installation is now finished, and Mobile POS is ready for use.

Mobile POS Layout

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