Release Notes 05/2023 integration integration is introduced in this Solteq Commerce Cloud release. When this feature has been taken into use, orders from can be sent to Solteq Commerce Cloud, added to the Basket from parked receipts on POS, and then sold like other products. For more information, please contact Solteq Commerce Cloud Sales (contact information can be found on Solteq Commerce Cloud web page).
Product Search in Stock Tool
In addition to using a barcode reader to search for products in Stock Tool, now you can also use the new Find Product by Name or SKU field. The field is visible on all tabs in the Stock Tool.

Product Search in Stock Tool (desktop)

Product search in Stock Tool (mobile)
Unit Price in Receipts
Unit price of a product can now be included in receipts. The feature must first be activated in your Company settings in the Back Office.

Print unit price switch in Company Configurations
The feature is not backwards compatible, which means that unit price is shown only on receipts generated after activating the feature.
Below is an example on how unit price is shown on a receipt.

Unit price in a receipt
Improvements to Shelf Label Generation
The performance of the Shelf Label Printing feature has been improved, and now over 900 labels can be generated at one time.
Netvisor Integration Related Improvements
The following corrections have been made to the Netvisor integration feature:
When Netvisor was configured to send vouchers as a sum for each business date, and the company had Business End Day Time defined to be after midnight in its Company Configurations (for example: restaurant closing at 02:00 AM), not all orders were sent. Now all transactions that belong to certain business day are included when creating Netvisor data.
Previously Netvisor integration only fetched vouchers for orders with status Completed. Now also Partially refunded, Fully refunded and Voided orders are fetched.
The problem which caused invoiced orders not being uploaded to Netvisor has been corrected.
The problem which caused orders not being synced when the summation type for Send vouchers to Netvisor was receipt has been corrected.
Other Improvements and Fixes
The problem which caused some products to be not included in PAR-related transaction orders (when the order included more than 20 products) has been corrected.
In the Table Planner, previously it was possible to create a table with the same name as an existing one (from POS), as well as create tables with the same ID from both Back Office and POS. Now this functionality has been corrected, and the system displays an error message if there is an attempt to create a table with an existing name/ID.
Corrected a problem in Webshop, which caused that when an advanced bundle price discount should have been applied for all the products in the Basket, in some cases the expected bundle price was not calculated due to the way discount was rounded per product.
Corrected the problem which caused free texts to be duplicated in receipts sent from the Back Office to the customer’s e-mail.
Corrected a problem which caused Service Products not being included in Sales Report, which caused discrepancies between Sales Report and Statistics.
Corrected a problem which caused all kitchen printers to print an order when a order had been sent to the Kitchen, and the order should have been only printed for a particular Kitchen Area. This occurred when kitchen tablets were not enabled.