It is possible to give customer- and product-specific discounts on POS. Prices can also be changed in the Basket, either on the product row, or by subtracting from the total price of the products in the Basket.
Discounts which are in effect for a defined duration can be created for individual or several products and/or product categories in the Back Office; this way you can create campaigns. Campaigns are deviations from the normal prices defined for the products. Solteq Commerce Cloud enables using campaigns to create new standard prices or discounts for a certain time period.
Discounts can be defined as an amount of currency or as a percentage of the price, customer or customer group-specifically, and for any product. It is also possible to define the discounts to be in effect only in certain stores.
Solteq Commerce Cloud supports several different types of discounts, detailed in the following table.
Type of Discount | Description |
Simple | The discount is calculated normally from the regular prices of all selected products. The Discount Type can be Percentage or Fixed Price. Note, however that a Fixed Price discount cannot be applied to custom products, because the price of the custom product can be dependent on the selected size and ingredients (for example). |
Buy X get Y | Select product(s) X and product(s) Y when creating the discount. The price for product Y can be
Advanced Buy X get Y | Select product(s) X and product(s) Y when creating the discount. Define how many X products or what value of product X the customer must buy in order to get the discount. Define how many Y products can be discounted when the discount is activated. The price for product Y can be
Get the cheapest one | The price of the cheapest product is 0. Define the minimum quantity of products that the customer must purchase in order to get the cheapest one free. |
Bundle price | Define the price for bundle and the bundle size (=the amount of products in the bundle). |
Advanced bundle price | Define
Cart total | Define the Minimum total amount that the customer must purchase to receive the discount. |